번역완료/4. 시험[이그잼](Exam, 2009)

Toujours y voir clairement est primordial

잔인한 詩 2010. 8. 20. 16:06

Toujours y voir clairement est primordial.

대사 내의 번역은 
To see clearly is all

번역기로 돌려서 영어화 해보면..
Still see clearly is critical.
가 된다.

그럼 대사 자체 내에서 인물이 의역을 했다는 것인데..
위 프랑스어를 쪼개어서 검색이 필요할 듯하다.


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verb conjugator

Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary ⓒ 2005 Oxford University Press:
toujours /tuʒuʀ/adverb
  1. always;
    comme ~ as always;
    de ~ [friend] very old;
    [friendship] long-standing;
    ~ plus vite faster and faster;
  1. still;
    il n'est ~ pas leve? is he still not up?;
  1. anyway;
    on peut ~ essayer we can always try;
    c'est ~ ca de pris or de gagne that's something at least;
    ~ est-il que the fact remains that.


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verb conjugator

Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary ⓒ 2005 Oxford University Press:
y1Y /igʀɛk/noun, masculine invariable(letter) y, Y.
y2 /i/pronoun
  1. it;
    tu t'~ attendais? were you expecting it?;
    il n'~ connait rien he knows nothing about it;
    j'~ pense parfois I sometimes think about it;
    elle n'~ peut rien there's nothing she can do about it;
    j'~ viens I'm coming to that;
    rien n'~ fait it's no use;
    je n'~ comprends rien I don't understand a thing;
    tu ~ as gagne you got the best deal;
    plus difficile qu'il n'~ parait harder than it seems;
  1. there;
    j'~ ai mange une fois I ate there once;
    n'~ va pas don't go;
  1. il ~ a there is/are;
    du vin? il n'~ en a plus wine? there's none left;
    il n'~ a qu'a telephoner just phone.


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Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary ⓒ 2005 Oxford University Press:
voir /vwaʀ/ (conjugate⇒)
  1. transitive verb
    1. to see;
      faire ~ qch a qn to show sb sth;
      laisser ~ qch to show sth;
      ~ si/pourquoi to find out or to see if/why;
      on l'a vue entrer she was seen going in;
      je le vois or verrais bien enseignant I can just see him as a teacher;
      aller ~ qn to go to see sb;
      le film est a ~ the film is worth seeing;
      ~ du pays to see the world;
      on voit bien qu'elle n'a jamais travaille! you can tell she's never worked!;
      on n'a jamais vu ca! it's unheard of!;
    1. avoir quelque chose a ~ avec to have something to do with.
  1. voir a verb+preposition to see to;
    voyez a ce que tout soit pret see to it that everything is ready.
  1. intransitive verb
    1. ~y ~ to be able to see;
      ~ double to see double;
    1. ~ clair dans qch to have a clear understanding of sth;
      il faut ~ we'll have to see.
  1. se voir reflexive verb (+ v etre)
    1. to see oneself;
    1. [stain] to show;
      la tour se voit de loin the tower can be seen from far away;
      ca ne s'est jamais vu! it's unheard of!;
    1. se ~ oblige or dans l'obligation de faire to find oneself forced to do;
    1. to see each other;
      ils ne peuvent pas se ~ (en peinture (familiar) ) they can't stand each other.


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verb conjugator

'clairement' found in these entries:
clearly - plainly - quite - spell

clairement: WordReference English-French Dictionary ⓒ 2010
Principal Translations/Principales traductions
clairement adv clearly
clairement adv (distinctement) distinctly
Additional Translations/Traductions supplementaires
clairement adv (sincerement) clearly clear
clairement adv articulately
clairement adv audibly
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Compound Forms/Formes composees
expliquer clairement spell out
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Aways it's to see clearly
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