법률 용어에 레슬링 용어에..
군사 용어까지 살펴봐야한다...
카일의 전화수신음은 군대 통신용어로 되어 있다..
첫 번째 등장했던 수신음은 그런대로 번역을 했는데..
두 번째 나오는 부분에서 막혔다.
Bravo 였다..
사전엔 딱히 나오지 않아서 일반 검색으로 들어가서 답을 찾아야했다..
포네틱 코드란 겁니다. 군용이나 민간용 무전 통신할 때 약어를 많이 쓰는데, 알파벳을 에이비씨디로 불러주면 통신 상태가 안 좋을 때 알아듣기 어려우므로 해당 알파벳으로 시작하는 구별이 쉬운 영어 단어를 대신 씁니다. 알파 베타 감마 델타는 그리스어 알파벳 이름이고요. 현 나토 표준은
알파 브라보 찰리 델타 에코 폭스트롯 골프 호텔 인디아 줄리엣 킬로 리마 마이크 노벰버 오스카 파파 퀘벡 로미오 시에라 탱고 유니폼 빅터 위스키 엑스레이 양키 줄루
순서고 나토 소속 국가 군대들이 사용합니다. 국군도 군대가서 통신병하면 외우게 되죠. 2차 대전 때는 나토가 없었고 미국 같은 경우엔
에이블 베이커 찰리 도그 이지 폭스 조지 하우 아이템 지그 킹 러브 마이크 난 오보에 피터 퀸 로저 슈거 테어 엉클 빅터 윌리엄 엑스레이 요크 지브라
을 썼고(BOB에서 이지 중대라고 하는 게 사실 그냥 E중대입니다) 또 알파벳이 다 같지 않으니 지금도 나라 따라서 또 좀 차이가 있죠. 한편 숫자의 경우도 헷갈릴 수 있으므로, 영어 스펠링은 같습니다만 발음을 약간 다르게 해주는 게 좀 있습니다. 5가 파이프라던가 9가 나이너라던가. 국군의 경우 하나 둘 삼 넷 오 여섯 칠 팔 아홉 공으로 기수와 서수를 섞어서 쓰게 합니다. 이외에도 음어 같은 것도 다양하게 있고요.
코드네임 같은 경우는 붙이는 기준이 뭐 다양합니다. 실제 이름 부를 수는 없고 부대명 함부로 불렀다간 적에게 노출당할 위험이 있으니까 적당히 정해서 붙이죠. 다만 헌터 2-1의 경우는 제네레이션 킬이라고, HBO의 실화를 바탕으로 한 이라크전 드라마에서 해병 수색대 코드명이 어쌔신 2-1로 나온 걸 따라한 겁니다. 그러고보니 그 드라마 끝나고 크레딧 올라갈 때 통신용어 잔뜩 나오는데...
한글 포네틱 코드도 있습니다요
ㄱ 기러기
ㄴ 나폴리
ㄷ 도라지
ㄹ 로마
ㅁ 미나리
ㅂ 바가지
ㅅ 서울
ㅇ 잉어
ㅈ 지게
ㅊ 치마
ㅋ 키다리
ㅌ 통신
ㅍ 파고다
ㅎ 한강
아 아버지
야 야자수
어 어머니
여 연못
오 오징어
요 요지경
우 우편
유 유달산
으 은방울
이 이순신
애 앵무새
에 엑스레이
1 하나
2 둘
3 삼
4 넷
5 오
6 여섯
7 칠
8 팔
9 아홉
콜사인이 Hunter 2-1 이라고 하면 뭐던2의 경우 육군 보병이므로 Hunter company - 2nd platoon - 1st squad 란 얘깁니다. 우리말로 하면 헌터 중대 2소대 1분대 라는 얘기가 되겠죠. 뭐 미군 부대 명명이 대개 이런 식이지요. 'ABC 숫자X-숫자Y' 라고 하면 ABC란 콜사인의 그룹 밑의 X번째 그룹에서 또 그 밑의 Y번째 그룹(혹은 유닛)이라는 뜻이 됩니다.
군사용어를 픽션에 넣고 싶다 그러시면 포네틱 코드는 기본적으로 알고 계셔야 될 것이고 military brevity code 를 알아 두시면 도움이 될 겁니다. (브레비티 코드는 검색하면 다 나오니 따로 안씁니다) 물론 용어들도 상황에 맞게 써야지 생각없이 폼난다고 넣으면 퐉스쓰리 콜 하고 대공시설을 날려버리는 장관도 연출하게 되죠 -_-
NATO phonetic alphabet
The NATO phonetic alphabet, also known as the NATO spelling alphabet, ICAO phonetic or spelling alphabet, ITU phonetic alphabet, and the international radiotelephony spelling alphabet, is the most widely used spelling alphabet. Though often called "phonetic alphabets", spelling alphabets do not have any association with phonetic transcription systems like the International Phonetic Alphabet. Instead, the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) alphabet assigns code words to digits and acrophonically to the letters of the English alphabet (Alfa for A, Bravo for B, etc.) so that critical combinations of letters and numbers can be pronounced and understood by those who transmit and receive voice messages by radio or telephone regardless of their native language, especially when navigation or persons might be endangered due to transmission static.
International adoption
After the phonetic alphabet was developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (see history below) it was adopted by many other international and national organizations, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the American Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). It is a subset of the much olderInternational Code of Signals (INTERCO), which originally included visual signals by flags or flashing light, sound signals by whistle, siren, foghorn, or bell, as well as one, two, or three letter codes for many phrases.[1] The same alphabetic code words are used by all agencies, but each agency chooses one of two different sets of numeric code words. NATO uses the regular English numeric words (Zero, One, with some alternative pronunciations), whereas the IMO provides for compound numeric words (Nadazero, Unaone, Bissotwo...). In practice these are used very rarely, as they frequently result in confusion between speakers of different languages.
The spelling alphabet's common name (NATO phonetic alphabet) exists because it appears in Allied Tactical Publication ATP-1, Volume II: Allied Maritime Signal and Maneuvering Book used by all allied navies of NATO, which adopted a modified form of theInternational Code of Signals. Because the latter allows messages to be spelled via flags or Morse code, it naturally named the code words used to spell out messages by voice its "phonetic alphabet". The name NATO phonetic alphabet became widespread because the signals used to facilitate the naval communications and tactics of NATO have become global.[2] However, ATP-1 is marked NATO Confidential (or the lower NATO Restricted) so it is not available publicly. Nevertheless, a NATO unclassified version of the document is provided to foreign, even hostile, militaries, even though they are not allowed to make it available publicly. The spelling alphabet is now also defined in other unclassified international military documents.[3]
Most of the words are recognizable by native English speakers because English must be used upon request for communication between an aircraft and a control tower whenever two different nations are involved, regardless of their native languages. But it is only required internationally, not domestically, thus if both parties of a radio conversation are from the same country, then another phonetic alphabet of that nation's choice may be used.[4]
In most versions of the alphabet, the non-English spellings Alfa and Juliett are used. Alfa is spelled with an f as it is in most European languages. The English and French spelling alpha would not be pronounced properly by speakers of some other languages the native speakers of which may not know that ph should be pronounced as f. Juliett is spelled with a tt for Frenchspeakers because they may otherwise treat a single final t as silent. For English versions of the alphabet, like that from ANSI or the version used by the British armed forces and emergency services, one or both may revert to their standard English spelling.[5]
[edit]Code words
The pronunciation of the codes for the letters of the alphabet and for the digits varies according to the language habits of the speaker. To eliminate wide variations in pronunciation, posters illustrating the pronunciation desired by the ICAO are available.[4]However, there are still differences in pronunciation between the ICAO and other agencies, and the ICAO has conflicting Roman-alphabet and IPA transcriptions. Also, although all codes for the letters of the alphabet are English words, they are not in general given English pronunciations. Assuming that the transcriptions are not intended to be precise, only 11 of the 26—Bravo, Echo, Hotel, Juliet(t), Kilo, Mike, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Whiskey, and Zulu—are given English pronunciations by all these agencies, though not always the same English pronunciations.
Letter | Code word | Pronunciation | ||||
US Army standard[6] | ICAO[4] and ITU Roman standard[7] | FAA standards[8][9] | ICAO IPA standard[4] | Consolidated transcription | ||
A | Alfa (ICAO, ITU, IMO, FAA) Alpha (ANSI) |
AL fah | AL FAH | ALFAH or AL-FAH |
ˈælfɑ | /ˈælfɑː/ al-fah |
B | Bravo | BRAH voh | BRAH VOH | BRAHVOH or BRAH-VO |
ˈbrɑːˈvo | /ˈbrɑːvoʊ/ brah-voh or /ˌbrɑːˈvoʊ/ brah-voh |
C | Charlie | CHAR lee | CHAR LEE or SHAR LEE |
ˈtʃɑːli or ˈʃɑːli |
/ˈtʃɑrliː/ char-lee or /ˈtʃɑːliː/ chah-lee or /ˈʃɑrliː/ shar-lee or /ˈʃɑːliː/ shah-lee |
D | Delta | DEL tah | DELL TAH | DELLTAH or DELL-TAH |
ˈdeltɑ | /ˈdɛltɑː/ del-tah |
E | Echo | EKK oh | ECK OH | ECKOH or ECK-OH |
ˈeko | /ˈɛkoʊ/ ek-oh |
F | Foxtrot | FOKS trot | FOKS TROT | FOKSTROT or FOKS-TROT |
ˈfɔkstrɔt | /ˈfɔːkstrɔːt/ fawks-trawt |
G | Golf | Golf | GOLF | GOLF | ɡʌlf [sic] | /ˈɡɔːlf/ gawlf or /ˈɡʌlf/ gulf |
H | Hotel | HO tell | HOH TELL | HOHTELL or HOH-TELL |
hoːˈtel | /hoʊˈtɛl/ hoh-tel or /ˈhoʊtɛl/ hoh-tel |
I | India | IN dee ah | IN DEE AH | INDEE AH or IN-DEE-AH |
ˈindiˑɑ | /ˈɪndiːɑː/ in-dee-ah |
J | Juliett (ICAO, ITU, IMO, FAA) Juliet (ANSI) |
ˈdʒuːliˑˈet | /ˈdʒuːliːɛt/ jew-lee-et or /ˌdʒuːliːˈɛt/ jew-lee-et |
K | Kilo | KEY loh | KEY LOH | KEYLOH or KEY-LOH |
ˈkiːlo | /ˈkiːloʊ/ kee-loh |
L | Lima | LEE mah | LEE MAH | LEEMAH or LEE-MAH |
ˈliːmɑ | /ˈliːmɑː/ lee-mah |
M | Mike | Mike | MIKE | MIKE | mɑik | /ˈmaɪk/ myk |
N | November | NOH vem ber | NO VEM BER | NOVEMBER or NO-VEM-BER |
noˈvembə | /noʊˈvɛmbə/ noh-vem-bə or /ˈnoʊvɛmbər/ noh-vem-bər[10] |
O | Oscar | OSS car | OSS CAH | OSSCAH or OSS-CAH |
ˈɔskɑ | /ˈɔːskɑː/ aws-kah or /ˈɔːskɑr/ aws-kar |
P | Papa | PAH pah | PAH PAH | PAHPAH or PAH-PAH |
pəˈpɑ | /pɑːˈpɑː/ pah-pah or /pəˈpɑː/ pə-pah or /ˈpɑːpɑː/ pah-pah |
Q | Quebec | keh BECK | KEH BECK | KEHBECK or KEH-BECK |
keˈbek | /kɛˈbɛk/ ke-bek |
R | Romeo | ROW me oh | ROW ME OH | ROWME OH or ROW-ME-OH |
ˈroːmiˑo | /ˈroʊmiːoʊ/ roh-mee-oh |
S | Sierra | see AIR ah | SEE AIR RAH | SEEAIRAH or SEE-AIR-AH |
siˈerɑ | /siːˈɛrɑː/ see-err-ah |
T | Tango | TANG go | TANG GO | TANGGO or TANG-GO |
ˈtænɡo [sic] | /ˈtæŋɡoʊ/ tang-goh or /ˈtæn.ɡoʊ/ tan-goh |
U | Uniform | YOU nee form | YOU NEE FORM or OO NEE FORM |
ˈjuːnifɔːm or ˈuːnifɔrm |
/ˈjuːniːfɔrm/ ew-nee-form or /ˈjuːniːfɔːm/ ew-nee-fawm or /ˈuːniːfɔrm/ oo-nee-form |
V | Victor | VIK ter | VIK TAH | VIKTAH or VIK-TAH |
ˈviktɑ | /ˈvɪktɑː/ vik-tah or /ˈvɪktər/ vik-tər |
W | Whiskey | WISS key | WISS KEY | WISSKEY or WISS-KEY |
ˈwiski | /ˈwɪskiː/ wis-kee |
X | X-ray or Xray |
EKS ray | ECKS RAY | ECKSRAY [sic] or ECKS-RAY |
ˈeksˈrei | /ˈɛksreɪ/ eks-ray or /ˌɛksˈreɪ/ eks-ray |
Y | Yankee | YANG kee | YANG KEY | YANGKEY [sic] or YANG-KEY |
ˈjænki [sic] | /ˈjæŋkiː/ yang-kee or /ˈjæn.kiː/ yan-kee |
Z | Zulu | ZOO loo | ZOO LOO | ZOOLOO or ZOO-LOO |
ˈzuːluː | /ˈzuːluː/ zoo-loo |
(hyphen) | Dash | /ˈdæʃ/ dash |
Digit | Code word | Pronunciation | Wikipedia transcription |
0 | Zero (FAA) Nadazero (ITU, IMO) |
/ˈziːroʊ/ zee-roh[11] /ˌnɑːˌdɑːˌzeɪˈroʊ/ nah-dah-zay-roh |
1 | One (FAA) Unaone (ITU, IMO) |
/ˈwʌn/ wun /ˌuːˌnɑːˈwʌn/ oo-nah-wun |
2 | Two (FAA) Bissotwo (ITU, IMO) |
/ˈtuː/ too /ˌbiːˌsoʊˈtuː/ bee-soh-too |
3 | Three (FAA) Terrathree (ITU, IMO) |
/ˈtriː/ tree /ˌteɪˌrɑːˈtriː/ tay-rah-tree |
4 | Four (FAA) Kartefour (ITU, IMO) |
/ˈfoʊ.ər/ foh-ər /ˌkɑrˌteɪˈfoʊ.ər/ kar-tay-foh-ər |
5 | Five (FAA) Pantafive (ITU, IMO) |
/ˈfaɪf/ fyf [12] /ˌpænˌtɑːˈfaɪv/ pan-tay-fyv |
6 | Six (FAA) Soxisix (ITU, IMO) |
/ˈsɪks/ siks /ˌsɔːkˌsiːˈsɪks/ sawk-see-siks |
7 | Seven (FAA) Setteseven (ITU, IMO) |
/ˈsɛvɛn/ sev-en /ˌseɪˌteɪˈsɛvɛn/ say-tay-sev-en |
8 | Eight (FAA) Oktoeight (ITU, IMO) |
/ˈeɪt/ ayt /ˌɔːkˌtoʊˈeɪt/ awk-toh-ayt |
9 | Nine (FAA) Nine or niner (ICAO) Novenine (ITU, IMO) |
/ˈnaɪnər/ ny-nər[13] /ˌnɔːˌveɪˈnaɪnər/ naw-vay-ny-nər |
100 | Hundred (ICAO) | HUN-dred (ICAO) | /ˈhʌndrɛd/ hun-dred |
1000 | Thousand (ICAO) | TOU-SAND (ICAO) | /ˌtaʊˈsænd/ tow-sand (??) |
. (decimal point) | Decimal (ITU, ICAO) | DAY-SEE-MAL (ITU) (ICAO) | /ˌdeɪˌsiːˈmæl/ day-see-mal |
. (full stop) | Stop (ITU) | STOP (ITU) | /ˈstɔːp/ stawp |
[edit]Other words
Several important short words and responses have set equivalents designed to make them more reliably intelligible, and are used in the same situations as the NATO alphabet. For "yes" and "no", radio operators say affirmative and negative; "help" is mayday – emergency; and acknowledgement of a message is expressed with roger message: "roger" was the WWII-era code word for R, standing for "received". Telegraphese is used, with functions words like the, a/an, and is/are dropped, and contractions are avoided for full forms such as do not. And, as noted above, stop is used to end a sentence, contrasting with decimal for a decimal point in a number.
Pronunciations are somewhat uncertain because the agencies, while ostensibly using the same pronunciations, give different transcriptions, which are often inconsistent from letter to letter. The ICAO gives different pronunciations in IPA transcription than in respelling, and the FAA also gives different pronunciations depending on the publication consulted, the FAA Aeronautical Information Manual (§ 4-2-7), the FAA Flight Services manual (§ 14.1.5), or the ATC manual (§ 2-4-16). ANSI gives English spellings, but does not give pronunciations or numbers. The ICAO, NATO, and FAA use modifications of English numerals, with stress on one syllable, while the ITU and IMO compound pseudo-Latinate numerals with a slightly different set of modified English numerals, and with stress on each syllable. Numbers 10–99 are spelled out (that is, 17 is "1-7" and 60 is "6-0"), while for hundreds and thousands the English words hundred and thousand are used.[4][5][7][9][8][14]
Only the ICAO prescribes pronunciation with the IPA, and then only for letters.[4] Several of the pronunciations indicated are slightly modified from their normal English pronunciations: /ˈælfɑ, ˈbrɑːˈvo, ˈʃɑːli, ˈdeltɑ, ˈfɔkstrɔt, ɡʌlf, ˈliːmɑ, ˈɔskɑ, siˈerɑ, ˈtænɡo, ˈuːnifɔrm, ˈviktɑ, ˈjænki/, partially due to the substitution of final schwas with the ah vowel; in addition, the intended distinction between the short vowels /o ɑ ɔ/ and the long vowels /oː ɑː ɔː/ is obscure, and has been ignored in the consolidated transcription. Both the IPA and Latin alphabet pronunciations were developed by the ICAO before 1956 with advice from the governments of both the United States and United Kingdom,[15] so the pronunciations of both General American English and BritishReceived Pronunciation are evident, especially in the rhotic and non-rhotic accents. The Latin alphabet version is usually at least consistent with a rhotic accent ('r' pronounced), as in CHAR LEE, SHAR LEE, NO VEM BER, YOU NEE FORM, and OO NEE FORM, whereas the IPA version usually specifies a non-rhotic accent ('r' pronounced only before a vowel), as in ˈtʃɑːli, ˈʃɑːli, noˈvembə, and ˈjuːnifɔːm. Exceptions are OSS CAH, VIK TAH and ˈuːnifɔrm. The IPA form of Golf implies it is pronounced gulf, which does occur, but not in either General American English or British Received Pronunciation. Different agencies assign different stress patterns to Bravo, Hotel, Juliett, November, Papa, X-ray; the ICAO has different stresses for Bravo, Juliett, X-ray in its respelled and IPA transcriptions. The ŋ phoneme ('ng') in the IPA forms of Tango and Yankee is shown as an 'n' and marked '[sic]'. The midheight back rounded vowel shown in Oscar and Foxtrot is actually a low back rounded vowel in Received British, and a low unrounded vowel in General American. Furthermore, the pronunciation prescribed for "whiskey" agrees with many (but by no means all) English dialects, in which the "wh-" is simplified into the non-fricative "w-" sound.
The first internationally recognized spelling alphabet was adopted by the ITU during 1927. The experience gained with that alphabet resulted in several changes being made during 1932 by the ITU. The resulting alphabet was adopted by the International Commission for Air Navigation, the predecessor of the ICAO, and was used for civil aviation until World War II.[15] It continued to be used by the IMO until 1965:
Amsterdam Baltimore Casablanca Denmark Edison Florida Gallipoli Havana Italia Jerusalem Kilogramme Liverpool Madagascar New_York Oslo Paris Quebec Roma Santiago Tripoli Upsala Valencia Washington Xanthippe Yokohama Zurich
![]() | ![]() | |||
Royal Navy | Western Front slang or "signalese" | RAF phonetic alphabet | U.S. phonetic alphabet | |
1914–1918 (WWI) | 1924–1942 | 1943–1956 | 1941–1956 | |
Apples Butter Charlie Duff Edward Freddy George Harry Ink Johnnie King London Monkey Nuts Orange Pudding Queenie Robert Sugar Tommy Uncle Vinegar Willie Xerxes Yellow Zebra |
Ack Beer Charlie Don Edward Freddie Gee Harry Ink Johnnie King London Emma Nuts Oranges Pip Queen Robert Esses Toc Uncle Vic William X-ray Yorker Zebra |
Ace Beer Charlie Don Edward Freddie George Harry Ink Johnnie King London Monkey Nuts Orange Pip Queen Robert Sugar Toc Uncle Vic William X-ray Yorker Zebra |
Able/Affirm Baker Charlie Dog Easy Fox George How Item/Interrogatory Jig/Johnny King Love Mike Nab/Negat Oboe Peter/Prep Queen Roger Sugar Tare Uncle Victor William X-ray Yoke Zebra |
Able Baker Charlie Dog Easy Fox George How Item Jig King Love Mike Nan Oboe Peter Queen Roger Sugar Tare Uncle Victor William X-ray Yoke Zebra |
For military use, British and American armed forces each developed their spelling alphabets before both forces adopted the ICAO alphabet during 1956. British forces adopted the RAF phonetic alphabet, which is similar to the phonetic alphabet used by the Royal Navyduring World War I. The U.S. adopted the Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet during 1941 to standardize systems amongst all branches of its armed forces. The U.S. alphabet became known as Able Baker after the words for A and B. The United Kingdom adapted its RAF alphabet during 1943 to be almost identical to the American Joint-Army-Navy (JAN) one.
After World War II, with many aircraft and ground personnel from the allied armed forces, "Able Baker" continued to be used for civil aviation. But many sounds were unique to English, so an alternative "Ana Brazil" alphabet was used inLatin America. But the International Air Transport Association (IATA), recognizing the need for a single universal alphabet, presented a draft alphabet to the ICAO during 1947 that had sounds common to English, French, and Spanish. After further study and modification by each approving body, the revised alphabet was implemented on 1 November 1951 for civil aviation (but it may not have been adopted by any military):[15]
Alfa Bravo Coca Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliett Kilo Lima Metro Nectar Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Union Victor Whisky Extra Yankee Zulu
Problems were soon found with this list. Some users believed that they were so severe that they reverted to the old "Able Baker" alphabet. To identify the deficiencies of the new alphabet, testing was conducted among speakers from 31 nations, principally by the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States. Confusion among words like Delta, Nectar, Victor, and Extra, or the unintelligibility of other words during poor receiving conditions were the main problems. After much study, only the five words representing the letters C, M, N, U, and X were replaced. The final version given in the table above was implemented by the ICAO on 1 March 1956,[15] and was adopted before 1959 by the ITU, because it appears in the 1959 Radio Regulations as an established phonetic alphabet.[16] Because the ITU governs all international radio communications, it was also adopted by all radio operators, whether military, civilian, or amateur (ARRL). It was finally adopted by the IMO in 1965. During 1947 the ITU adopted the compound number words (Nadazero Unaone, etc.), later adopted by the IMO during 1965.
A spelling alphabet is used to spell parts of a message containing letters and numbers to avoid confusion, because many letters sound similar, for instance "n" and "m" or "b" and "d"; the potential for confusion increases if static or other interference is present. For instance the message "proceed to map grid DH98" could be transmitted as "proceed to map grid Delta-Hotel-Niner-Ait". Using "Delta" instead of "D" avoids confusion between "BH98" and "DH98". The unusual pronunciation of certain numbers was designed to reduce confusion.
In addition to the traditional military usage, civilian industry uses the alphabet to avoid similar problems in the transmission of messages by telephone systems. For example, it is often used in the retail industry where customer or site details are spoken by telephone (to authorize a credit agreement or confirm stock codes), although ad hoc coding is often used in that instance. It has been used often by information technology workers to communicate serial/reference codes (which are often very long) or other specialised information by voice. Additionally, most major airlines use the alphabet to communicate Passenger Name Records(PNRs) internally, and in some cases, with customers.
Several letter codes and abbreviations using the spelling alphabet have become well-known, such as Bravo Zulu (letter code BZ) for "well done",[17] Checkpoint Charlie (Checkpoint C) in Berlin, and Zulu Time for Greenwich Mean Time or Coordinated Universal Time. During the Vietnam War, Viet Cong guerrillas and the group itself were referred to as VC, or Victor Charlie; the name "Charlie" became synonymous with this force.
- "Delta" is replaced by "Data", "Dixie" or "David" at airports that have a majority of Delta Air Lines flights, such as Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport in order to avoid confusion because "Delta" is also Delta's callsign.[citation needed]
- "Lima" is replaced by "London" in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore because "lima" means "five" in Indonesian, Malayand a number of other languages in those countries. Thus, confusion could occur if a string of mixed numerals and letters were being given.[citation needed]
- In Saudi Arabia, where a diverse population results in English being used for many commercial communications, the NATO alphabet is used. However, because alcohol is banned, "Washington" replaces "Whiskey" for "W".[citation needed]
- In Pakistan, where tolerance of alcohol varies, "Washington" often replaces "Whiskey" for "W". Additionaly, "Italy" replaces "India" because of historical and present conflicts between Pakistan and India.[citation needed]
Many unofficial spelling alphabets are in use that are not based on a standard, but are based on words the transmitter can remember easily, including first names, states, or cities. The LAPD phonetic alphabet has many first names.
[edit]Additions in other languages
Certain languages' standard alphabets have letters, or letters with diacritics (e.g., umlauts) that do not exist in the English alphabet. If these letters have two letter substitutes, NATO code words corresponding to the two letters may be used.
In Swedish, Alfa Alfa (aa) is used for <Å>, Alfa Echo (ae) for <Ä> and Oscar Echo (oe) for <Ö> in conjunction with the ICAO spelling alphabet.[18]
In the Norwegian military, Ærlig is used for <Æ>, Østen is used for <Ø> and Åse is used for <Å>.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICAO_spelling_alphabet
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