번역완료/7. 음악은 소음이다(Sound of Noise, 2010)

philharmonic orchestra 관현악단, 교향악단?

잔인한 詩 2011. 7. 19. 17:53
philharmonic   [fìlhɑːrmɑ́nik, fìlər-] [US]   [fìlɑːmɔn-, -hɑː-] [UK]
  • a.
    • 음악 애호의;교향악단의
      • a philharmonic orchestra 교향악단
  • n.
    • 교향악단;(음악 협회가 개최하는) 음악회(=Ṡ cóncert)

필하모닉(philharmonic)’은 형용사 ‘harmonia’에 사랑을 의미하는‘phil’이 붙은 합성어다.


그렇다면.... 헷갈리는 다른 용어는???

Symphony vs. Philharmonic

A symphony orchestra is a group of musicians (orchestra) that play symphonies. Wouldn't a philharmonic orchestra be an orchestra that plays philharmonics? Sounds reasonable to me... except for the small problem that there is no such thing as a philharmonic. 

The first use of 'philharmonic' was in London in 1813. An organisation was founded called the Philharmonic Society. The word 'philharmonic' translates to 'music lover'. The sources I've found say this was taken from the French 'philharmonoque', but I think it is more likely that the word was taken right from the Greek. Greek is much more fashionable than French - especially if you're living in London in 1813*

Anyway, the first Philharmonic Orchestra was established in London in 1895. The current London Philharmonic was established in 1932, the London Symphony was established in 1940. My guess is, whoever got to the name they wanted first - won. (This avoids having names like "The Other London Symphony Orchestra".) 

I'm sure if you asked a member of the LSO or the LPO, they could tell you all sorts of jokes on how to distinguish a philharmonic from a symphony orchestra. But in practical application, there really is no difference. They both love music, and they both play symphonies. 

A symphonic orchestra and a philharmonic orchestra are really the same thing. 

Do you know a philharmonic/symphonic joke? Please send it to me! 
Wendy Noblett writes... "Obviously, if you wanted to tell the difference between a philharmonic orchestra and a symphonic orchestra, you would look at their organs." 

* There was a big ancient civilization revival right about then. People were digging up bits of antiquity from Greek and Roman sites and hauling them home. France was fashionable then as well, but in a tarnished, scandalous sort of way. It was not as popular in the sort of upper crusty circles likely to establish an arts society. England fought with France a bunch... I don't recall any English/Ancient Greek battles...

Post Script!

Your statement that "The first use of 'philharmonic' was in London in 1813" is, um, somewhat less than correct. That might have been the first use in an English context, but in Ljubljana, Slovenia (which was then known as Laibach and was in the Austrian Empire) the Academia Philharmonicorum was founded in 1701. That translates easily as "academy of music-lovers" (or at any rate "harmony-lovers"), but the original members were all professional musicians, though their by-laws were amended to admit amateurs who were capable of making a contribution, and they gave regular performances. According to the history on the website of the Slovenian Philharmonic (http://www.filharmonija.si/), the organization was based on the example of similar societies in Italy, so it would probably make sense to look there for the introduction of the term (probably filarmonico or something similar), into modern usage, whether it was invented or borrowed at that time.

The Academia Philharmonicorum itself petered out during the 18th century, although the active musical life of Ljubljana certainly didn't. A new Slovenian Philharmonic Society was founded in 1795, and the orchestra called the Slovenian Philharmonic ('filharmonija' in Slovene, which might come over into English as "Philharmony") has existed officially since 1908. I think most modern "Philharmonics" are abbreviated forms of longer names (Philharmonic Orchestra, Philharmonic Society, etc.) in which 'philharmonic' still is really an adjective.

Yours in the service of facts that no one much cares about, Charlie Bowen

관현악-단[발음 : 관혀낙딴]


<음악> 관현악을 연주하는 단체[비슷한 말] 오케스트라카펠라2(cappella).


교향악-단[발음 : 교향악딴]


<음악> 교향악을 연주하는 대규모의 관현악단[비슷한 말] 교향 관현악단심포니 오케스트라.




<음악> 교향곡교향시교향 모음곡 따위의 관현악을 위하여 만든 음악을 통틀어 이르는 대규모의 관현악 조직에 의하여 연주된다[비슷한 말] 교향 관현악.




서로 어우러져 울림.





1 .관악기타악기현악기 따위로 함께 연주하는 음악.
2 .국악에서, 관악기현악기와 편종편경 따위의 타악기가 반드시 들어가는  규모의 합주.
관련 규범 해설

‘관현악’의 의미로 ‘관현^합주’를 쓰는 경우가 있으나 ‘관현악’만 표준어로 삼는다.

관련조항 : 표준어 규정 3장 4절 25항




<음악> 관악기와 현악기를 아울러 이르는 [비슷한 말] 관현악기사관18()ㆍ사죽3()ㆍ현관3().

교향악단은 관현악단의 공집합이란 얘기다.

현재...일반 검색을 해보면 영문표기와 함께 한국어 사용의
국내 공식적 명칭은 지명 + 교향악단이다.
교향악단이 위의 조사에 따른 바....

어쩌면...더욱 정확한 명칭이다.

필하모닉이란 하모니를 사랑하는 이고...

곧 화음을 사랑하는 이고...

오케스트라는 악단이다.

화음을 사랑하는 악단이 ..
필하모닉 오케스트라다.


악단에 소속된 악기가 비단 관악기, 현악기만 아니기에...
관현악단이란 말은 옳지가 않다는 말이다.

현재 통용되고 있는 교향악단이 맞는 말이다.
넓은 범주에서...

이렇게까지 한 단어를 가지고 
영화 자막을 번역하기 위해서....
것도 돈 한 푼 안 되는 이 걸 위해서...

현 전체 한국사회의 언어 생태를 재정립해야하나?
정녕...관현악단으로 통하든 교향악단으로 통하든
그 관계된 인물들이....
신경이나 쓸까? 

그건 양심의 몫이다..^^