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Amateur Psychology |
Jul 23, 2002 Comments: |
One of the biggest crazes sweeping the nation is called Psychology, the "science" of the mind. From talk shows to pyramid schemes, psychology is everywhere.
Most psychology is performed by esteemed professionals such as Drs. Phil McGraw or Ruth Westheimer. They must endure rigorous peer review and endless grant requests when they wish to burst the walls of ignorance and stumble forth into the fruited Eden of knowledge.
But you don't need a fancy degree or pharmaceutical license to explore the psychological world. I myself pursue psychological experiments as a hobby, concocting my own experiments and using those around me as subjects. Co-workers, the homeless, women -- you can use these individuals in your own experiments without even interrupting your daily routine.
In this column, I outline the results of three psychological experiments I've performed on my cat, Snickers.
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