번역완료/8. 상생[윈 윈](Win Win, 2011)

open the kimono, eat the trade

잔인한 詩 2011. 9. 5. 18:09

마이크의 계략대로 씬디와 그 변호사가 넘어갔고...
이 결과를 테리에 말하고..

테리가 칭찬하는 말인데...
초벌 번역에서 조차 번역을 못한 말이다....

조각내서 분석해 보기로 한다..

open the kimono 단어장추가

(신조어) 은유표현. 감사를 위해 회사 회계장부를 공개하다; 숨겼던 무언가를 공개하다


 open the kimono
metaphor. To open a company's accounting books for inspection; to expose something previously hidden.

Example Citation:
"Public companies also have much stricter rules of disclosure to potential investors. The company founder who used to keep his yearly salary a tight secret must reveal all when he goes public.

'You have to be prepared to open the kimono,' Meyers said."
—George Hostetter, "Going public: Rewarding, dangerous," The Fresno Bee

Related Words:



open the kimono 77 up23 down
A 1990's phrase that means that everyone should share data. There should be no secrets between those in the meeting. As in a Japanese wife showing her husband her naked body by opening her silk robe or kimono.
If we’re going to make any progress with this new standard, we’re going to make sure everyone agrees to open the kimono and not withhold any information.

open the kimono 란 것은 결국 정보 완전 공개를 의미하는 것이다..
이런 용어를 주절대는 테리에게 
뒤이어 마이크는 뭔소리하는지 모르겠다라고 하는데..
테리의 캐릭을 보면 알 수 있는 부분이된다..
테리는 친구와 펀드에 관심이 많고 사업적인 부분에서 까칠하고 밝게 설정이 되어 있기 때문이다..

eat the trade 인데.... 사전에는 나오질 않는다..일반 검색 중에서
이 영화 감독과의 인터뷰 글도 나오고 이 부분이 언급되어 있다...
내 추측이 맞았을지도... 살펴보자..

As a writer, you do that. You’ll be like, “Oh, that’s a good idea.” But really it wasn’t a good idea, it was just a comfortable idea at the time. Sometimes you need to do that, you need to push through a draft and you’ll be like, "Ok I’ll come back to that." Like with Terry, Bobby’s character, I tried to layer in language that was very financially driven like at the end where he was talking Mike about her opening up the kimono and making her eat the trade. It’ll be like, “what the fuck are you talking about?” I have a brother who does that. He is in the financial industry, and we will be having these very intimate personal conversations and then he’ll be breaking it down in this corporate vernacular and I’ll be like, “what does that mean?” So I’ll go back and handle that sometime on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 10th pass at the script.


 결국, 내 추측이 맞았다는 것이다.. 이런 기쁨이 ..^^;;
중요한 것은 어떻게 우리말화 하는 것인데...

eat the trade 란 것은 벗겨먹다? 정도가 되지않을까?